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Learn Rohingya Language in Audio STEP BY STEP
(A) LESSON 1 (About Alphabet letters)
(1). Alphabet – Capital letters (total 28 letters)
A B C Ç D E F -> (C is read as Sh) & (Ç is read as tongue rolling R)
N Ñ O P Q R S -> (Ñ is read as a silent n, half n or nasal sound)
(2) Alphabet - Small letters (total 28 letters)
a b c ç d e f -> (C is read as Sh) & (Ç is read as tongue rolling R)
g h i j k l m
n ñ o p q r s -> (Ñ is read as a silent n, half n or nasal sound)
t u v w x y z
(3) Accented vowels a e i o u ou -> (6 unaccented vowels - read softly) á é í ó ú óu -> (6 accented vowels - read in high tone)
(4) Circular vowels ai ei oi ui ->(4 vowel sets ending with i - read softly) ái éi ói úi ->(4 vowel sets ending with i - read in high tone)
(5) Dual Alphabet (6 letters) d t h c t g y -> (thin or light without h) dh th kh ch ts ñg ñy -> (h makes thick, s makes thin, & ñ make nasal)
(B) LESSON 2 (Usage of these three (3) new or sound-changed letters)
C =>Bac, Cac, Fac, Lac, Mac, Nac, Boc, Doc, Noc, Calic, Nalic Ç =>Caça, Naça, Baça, Faça, Luça, Beça, Beçi Ñ =>Bañc, Fañs, Keñc, Keñça, Siañra, Thiañra
(C) LESSON 3 ( How basic vowel works)?
Normal Vowels (6 vowels)
a e i o u ou (normal)
á é í ó ú óu (stressed)
ba be bi bo bu bou / fa fe fi fo fu fou
bá bé bí bó bú bóu / fá fé fí fó fú fóu
(D) LESSON 4 Circular Vowels (4 vowels)
ai ei oi ui -> normal sound ái éi ói úi -> stressed sound Example: bai bei boi bui / fai fei foi fui bái béi bói búi / fái féi fói fúi
(E) LESSON 5 (Non accented & accented vowels)
Soft & Hard Examples in three(3) letters
ful fúl -> bridge, flower
sal sál -> roof, tree bark
fan fán -> leaves, trap)
sul súl -> hair, pull out
(F) LESSON 6 (Four letter accented vowels)
Soft & Hard Examples in four letters words
bura burá búra -> bad, old, stained
sara sará sára -> small plant, hard, divorce
fara fará fára -> village, cross, misfortune
bara bará bára -> net, increase, cheat
fora forá fóra -> fall, teach, pagoda
(G) LESSON 7 (Extended vowels – straight elongation type)
Dual vowels – horizontal extention
baade = after gaa = body maa = mother maana = free neel = go out biili = lady who recently gives birth fool = mad foon = getting/finding hoor = cloth loon = act of taking muu = face zuu = tide
(H) LESSON 8 (Extended vowels – raising up type)
Dual vowels - Ascending order (1st vowel not accented and 2nd accented) baá = climb baár = climbing gaá = sing laá = plastic saá = see/tea eén = like that beél = belt beén = prohibited feén = trouser keén = how meél = factory zeén = such giíl = had gone ziín = which boól = ball foón = bright foór = light goó = you all sing goól = goal goón = skirt hoór = he is saying loór = taking/light beam moór = stamp noó = it is not noór = not happening soón = looking/looking after zoór = you are going
(I) LESSON 9 (Extended vowels – falling down type)
Dual vowels – descending order (1st vowel accented & 2nd not accented)
fáa = mouth liquid that flows gáa = infection náa = no sáa = filter it éen = like that héen = like that séen = smelling spray cíin = mucus cíiar = share(also spell as: cíyar) síil = seal zíi = daughter cóor = town dóo = escape fóoñçá = a kind of farm tools góoñçá = veil covering góoh = grind hoón = saying (n). nóo = it did not happen/did not take place sóol = sheep sóon = soap fúu = blow gúu = stool kúuh = bad anger súura = verse
Alternative options (for research purpose only-1): dh th kh ch ts ñg ñy Ḋ Ṫ Ĥ Ĉ Ө Ċ Ŋ ḋ ṫ ĥ ĉ ө ċ ŋ Example-1: Ḋamíc, Ṫaṫṫi, Ṫánḋah, Ĥóro, cóicĉa, Өúmma, Ċapúra, Ŋoċ cóċ ḋamíc, ṫaṫṫi, ṫánḋah, ĥóro, cóicĉa, өúmma, ċapura, ŋoċ cóċ
Alternative options (for research purpose only-2): dh th kh ch ts ñg ñy Ď Ť Ħ Č Ø Ċ Ň ď ť ħ č ø ċ ň Example-2: Ďamíc, Ťaťťi, Ťánďa, Ħóro, Cóicča, Øúmma, Ċapúra, Ňoċ cóċ ďamíc, ťaťťi, ťánďa, ħóro, cóicča, øúmma, ċapúra, ňoċ cóċ
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