Rohingya Lesson STEP BY STEP
(A)# LESSON 1 (About Alphabet letters)
(1). Alphabet – Capital letter (28 letters)
A B C Ç D E F -> (C is read as Sh) & (Ç is read as tongue rolling R)
N Ñ O P Q R S -> (Ñ is read as a silent n, half n or nasal sound)
(2). Alphabet – Small letter (28 letters)
a b c ç d e f -> (C is read as Sh) & (Ç is read as tongue rolling R)
g h i j k l m
n ñ o p q r s -> (Ñ is read as a silent n, half n or nasal sound)
t u v w x y z
(3). Accented vowels
a e i o u ou -> (6 accented letters – read softly)
á é í ó ú óu -> (6 unaccented letters – read with high tone)
(4). Circular vowels
ai ei oi ui ->(4 letters each followed with i – read softly)
ái éi ói úi ->(4 letters each followed with i – read with high tone)
(5). Dual Alphabet (6 letters)
d t c t g y -> (normal reading)
dh th ch ts ñg ñy -> (h makes thick, s makes thin, & ñ make nasal)
(B)# LESSON 2 (Usage of these three (3) new or sound-changed letters)
C =>Bac, Cac, Fac, Lac, Mac, Nac, Boc, Doc, Noc, Calic, Nalic
Ç =>Caça, Naça, Baça, Faça, Luça, Beça, Beçi
Ñ =>Bañc, Fañs, Keñc, Keñça, Siañra, Thiañra
(C)# LESSON 3 ( How basic vowel works)?
Normal Vowels (6 vowels)
a e i o u ou (normal)
á é í ó ú óu (stressed)
ba be bi bo bu bou / fa fe fi fo fu fou
bá bé bí bó bú bóu / fá fé fí fó fú fóu
(D) # LESSON 4 Circular Vowels (4 vowels)
ai ei oi ui (normal)
ái éi ói úi (stressed)
bai bei boi bui / fai fei foi fui
bái béi bói búi / fái féi fói fúi
(E) # LESSON 5 (Non accented & accented vowels)
Soft & Hard Examples in three(3) letters
ful fúl -> (bridge & flower)
sal sál -> (roof & tree bark)
fan fán -> (leaves & trap)
sul súl -> (hair & pull out)
(F) # LESSON 6 (Four letter accented vowels)
Soft & Hard Examples in four(4) letters
bura burá búra -> (bad & old & stained)
sara sará sára -> (plant & hard & divorce)
fara fará fára -> (village & cross & misfortune)
bara bará bára -> (net & increase & cheat)
fora forá fóra -> (fall & teach & pagoda)
(G) # LESSON 7 (Extended vowels – straight elongation type)
Dual vowels – horizontal extention
baaccá (king, also baakcá)
baade (after)
baañl (illiterate, uneducated)
baañla mas (a kind of fish)
gaa (body)
gaar (of body)*
gaat (in the body)*
laayek (suitable, appropriate, fitting)*
maa (mother)
maabaf (parent)
maana (free)
maalek (owner)
nalaayek (of having no good character)*
zaa (cloth strip)
zaalem (oppressor)
beec (extra, more)*
neel (go out)
biili (lady who recently gives birth)
boolá fiçá (a kind of snack -n.)
boona (loan -n.)*
fool (mad -adj.)
foola (like mad -adj.)
foon (getting/finding)
fooñna (ripen)*
fooñra (log eaten)
hooñl (un-ripen, baby stage, soft)
hooñla (orange)
hooñr (bite)
hooñra (prone to bite)
hooñre (he/she/they bite(s))
hoor (cloth)
loon (act of taking)
mool fath (game play)
moot (death)
moota (death body)
noo (wooden boat)
nool (fertile mud deposits)
ooñla (kitchen)
sooñijja (staff, workers)*
sooñre (unstable)*
zoon saá (should go)
zooñl (bush)
muu (face)
zuu (tide)
(H) # LESSON 8 (Extended vowels – raising up type)
Dual vowels – Ascending order (1st vowel not accented and 2nd accented)
aáza (coming and going)*
baá (climb)
baáde (then, after that)
baádur (brave)
baáizar (over flowing)
baám (balm – tiger balm)
baána der (giving excuse)
baár (climbing)
baára doijja (ocean)
baáre (outside)*
baárkule (outside)*
baár mikka (toward outside)
baás (bus)*
baáth (Thai money)*
baáz (some [maincé])
faár (mountain)*
faára (security watch dog)*
gaá (sing)
gaádh (guard, or gaáth)*
gaák (client, customer, also gaág)
gaála (bowel)
gaáli (lazy)
gaái (I sing)*
gaálu (talkative)*
gaán (gun)
gaár (singing)*
laá (plastic)
laáb (love)*
laánot (curse)*
laák (luck)*
laár (of plastic)*
laás (last)*
maárum (excluding)
maáni (meaning)
saá (see/tea)
saáfata (tea leaves)*
saái (let me see)*
saár (seeing/looking)*
saáñs (breath)*
taáke (so that)
zaáñl (short road)
eén (like that)
beél (belt)
beén (prohibited)
feén (trouser)
keén (how)
meél (factory)
zeén (such)
giíl (stamp)
ziín (which)
boól (ball)
boón (Hindu religious man)*
boór fata (a kind of leaves)*
foón (bright)
foór (light)
goó (you all sing)
goól (goal)
goón (skirt)
goóuli (goal man)
hoór (he is saying)
khoór (curse)*
loór (taking / light beam)
moónga (expensive)
moók (mug)
moór (stamp)
moórana (dowery)
noó (it is not)
noór (not happening)
soón (looking/looking after)
soóni (charge, tools to like with)
soór (seeing/ploughing)*
thoón (city)*
zoór (you going)
buúm (boom)*
fuúl (full)
thuúl (dranken)
muúm (front side)
muúntu (in front of)
(I) # LESSON 9 (Extended vowels – falling down type)
Dual vowels – descending order (1st vowel accented & 2nd not accented)
báa(h) (float)
báañni (sister’s daughter)
báaina (sister’s son)
dáa (escaping)*
fáa (mouth liquid flow)
gáa (infection)
háa (eating)*
háalek (creator)*
náa (no)
sáa (filter it)
saáni (filter)
záañi zal (a kind of net)
éen (like that)
héen (like that)
séen (perfume spray)
cíin (mucus)
cíiar (share) cíar=hunting
íin (these, also híin )*
síil (seal)
zíi (daughter)
bóoñr (wicked)*
cóoc (bravery)*
cóor (town)
dóo (escape)
dóon (escaping)*
fóoñçá (farm tools)
góoñçá (veil covering)
góo(h) (grind)
hóon (saying -n.)*
hóoñr (valley hut)*
nóo(h) (it did not happen/did not take place)
óoñ (bamboo bridge, also hóoñ)*
óon (should be)*
sóol (sheep)
sóon (soap)
sóore (early)*
tóon saá (should have)*
cúu (doing style)*
cúum (hair puller)*
dúu (wash cloth)
fúu (blow)
gúu (stool)
kúuh (bad anger)
súura (verse)
úuñra (pressing to stepping on)*
úun (those people, also húun)
Opslået af Eng Mohammed Siddique på 30. maj 2016