1# Rohingyalish Basic-1
(Ruáingalíc ór Abas ókkol)
A => A ibár abas neele dé ( Aa ) foró-> Alagála
E => E ibár abas neele dé ( Ee ) foró-> Eçé der
I => I ibár abas neele dé ( Ii ) foró-> Bicí Bic
O => O ibár abas neele dé ( Oo ) foró-> Norom goró
U => U ibár abas neele dé ( Uu ) foró-> Uzuuzú
Ou=> Ou ibár abas neele de ( Ou ) foró-> Bou, Lou, Zou, Bouli, Góuli, Zóuli
Tóile abas iín óre forí daháile:
a, e, i, o, u, ou
Zodi añártu dabi huwá fore:
á, é, í, ó, ú, óu
Mesál daháile:
Ba, Be, Bi, Bo, Bu, Bou
Dabi fori bélla:
Bá, Bé, Bí, Bó, Bú, Bóu
Tin nwá óla hórof foró:
Bar, Ber, Bir, Bor, Bur
Tin nwá óla hórof Dabi foríle:
Bár, Bér, Bír, Bór, Búr
Sair gwá óla hórof:
Bara, Bera, Bira, Bura
Dabi forí lé:
Bará, Berá, Birá, Burá
Ar ek kisím ór dabi lé:
Bára, Béra, Bíra, Búra
2# Rohingyalish Basic-2
(Uzu zer zobor [vawel] ókkol)
a, e, i, o, u, ou
á, é, í, ó, ú, óu
Ba, Be, Bi, Bo, Bu, Bou
Bá, Bé, Bí, Bó, Bú, Bóu
Fakkáráiya vawel ókkol:
Ai, Ei, Oi, Ui (ai, ei, oi, ui)
Ái, Éi, Ói, Úi (ái, éi, ói, úi)
Tin nwá hórof óla:
Bai, Lai, Sai, Dai
Tin nwá hórof óla gutá loi dabi forí bélla:
Bái, Lái, Sái, Dái
Sair gwá hórof óla:
Fain, Lain, Sain, Gain
Sair gwá óla gutá:
Fáin, Láin, Sáin. Gáin
Mesál só wa hórof óla:
Bainna, Lainna, Sainna, Thainna
Háilla, Záilla, Dhaillá, Sáinna
Aró mesál:
Baila-mas, Raindá-mas, Súilla-mas
3# Rohingyalish Basic – 3
(Practice of Long Vowels)
(a) Find words fool, boól, sóol, goól, noó in the following sentences:-
Fool e boól maijjé ár, sóol or gaat foijjé, tóile goól ót noó góle.
When the ball was kicked, it fell over the sheep, therefore it did not enter into the goal.
(b) Find words no, noo, noó, noó in the following sentences:-
No wán noo asé, lékin yián gom noó, ótolla ham aijó goijjá nóo.
There are nine boats, but this is not good, therefore the work is not yet completed.
More examples:
Q: Yián sóiyi né?
A: Yián sóiyi noó.
Q: Ham furafuri óiye né?
A: Ham furufuri nóo.
(c) Find words gaa, gaá, gáa in the following sentences:-
Gaa t mazé gáa óileyó gana gaár.
More example: saá, sáa, saáni, sáani
(d) mana, maná, maana, maána, maáni, foona, loóna, hóona, bon, bona, boona, boón, ekzon, zoon, zoon saá, hóon saá
4# Practice of Long Vowels
=> Fas–>fañs; fiañs, niáñc
=> bac–> bañc, tañc,
=> bal–> bañl, bañc, biyúñc
=> fes–> feñs
=> kec–> keñc
=> zaás-> zaáñs; añc
=> uta–> uñta, uñth
5# Personal Pronouns
1st person:
(sg.)=> aññí, añár; añártu, añáre, añár lá
(pl.)=> añára, añárar; añáráttu, añáráre, añárár lá
2nd person:
(sg.)=> tuñí (tui*), tuáñr (tor*); tuáñrtu (tortú*), tuáñre (toré*), tuáñr lá
(pl.)=> tuáñra**, tuáñrár**; tuáñráttu**, tuáñráre**, tuáñrár lá
(sg.)=> oñne***, oñnor***; oñnottú***, oñnoré***, oñnor lá
(pl.)=> oñnorá***, oñnorár***; oñnoráttu***, oñnoráre***, oñnorár lá
>>Note: *informal use, **normal use, ** *very polite use
3rd person:
(sg.)=> te*, tar*, tartú*, taré*, tar lá* (informal use)
(sg.)=> uite*, uitar*, uitará*, uitaráre*, uitarár lá* (informal use)
(pl.)=> uitará*, uitarár*, uitarártu*, uitaráre*, uitarár lá* (informal use)
(pl.)=> uún*, uúnor*, uúnórtu*, uúnore*, uúnor lá* (informal use)
(pl.)=> úun*, úunor*, úunortu*, úunore*, úunor lá* (informal use)
(pl.)=> iín*, iínor*, iínórtu*, iínore*, iínor lá* (informal use)
(pl.)=> íin*, íinor*, íinortu*, íinore*, íinor lá* (informal use)
(sg.)=> ibá, ibár, ibártu, ibáre, ibár lá (gentle use for man & woman)
(sg.)=> ite, itar, itartú, itaré, itar lá (normal use for man)
(sg.)=> íte, ítar, ítartu, ítare, ítar lá (far use for man)
(pl.)=> tará, tarár, tarártu, taráre, tarár lá (informal use for man)
(pl.)=> itará, itarár, itarártu, itaráre, itarár lá (normal use for man)
(pl.)=> ítara, ítarar, ítarartu, ítaráre, ítarar lá (far use for man)
(pl.)=> taáñi, taáñir, taáñirtu, taáñire, taáiñir lá (very polite use for man)
(pl.)=> taaní, taanír, taanírtu, taaníre, taanír lá (very polite use for lady)
6# Demonstrative noun
(Icára goréde nam)
(sg.) yián, yián ór, yián tu, yián óre, yián ólla
(sg.) yían, yían ór, yían tu, yían óre, yían ólla
(pl.) iín, iín ór, iín órtu, iín ór, iín ólla
(pl.) íin, íin ór, íin órtu, íin ór, íin ólla
7# Circular vowels related.
=> sair, saáir, sáijja
=> lor, loir, loijja, loiththa
=> mair, maijja, maijjá
=> moijja, kuijja, muijjá, foijja, dóijja
=> hañijja, hoñijja,
=> hoóñr, hóoñr *
=> hoóñri, hóoñri *
=> hoc, hóñc, hocá, hóca, hoñcá, hoñcí *
=> han (ear), hañn (cry) *
=> behañ, therá *
Note: * not circular vowels
8# Simplified spelling method
=> ououin —-> ooin
=> añáñr —-> añár
=> zañáñs —-> zaáñs
=> dhoñór —-> dhoóñr
Note: Left side is in correct and right is correct
9# Practice
bazar, bizára, bizá, bíza
Copyright(c) Rohingya Language Foundation, Year 2000
Teacher Training – 2
1# Review Letters:
(1) Rohingyalish has 28 Letters:
A -> C
D -> N
O -> Z
(2) Latin letters are: Ç and Ñ
(3) Replacement letter: Sh is replaced with C
(Sh is no more used)
2# Review Vowels:
CÓÑÇO (cóñço) = Five most important characters to know in Rohingyalish
C, Ó, Ñ, Ç, O including (‘) which is read as gutá in Rohingya
C = sh
O = au
Ñ = (nasal sound)
Ç = (tongue rolling R)
Gutá ( ‘ )=emphasize – read as (gutá)
3# Review Vowels:
(1) Six Straight Vowels (two types):
a, e, i, o, u, ou
á, é, í, ó, ú, óu
(2) Four Circular Vowels (four types):
ai, ei, oi, ui
ái, éi, ói, úi
(3) Five Long Vowels ( three types)
aa, ee, ii, oo, uu
aá, eé, ií, oó, uú
áa, ée, íi, óo, úu
4# Double Letters:
(1) C = ش Ch = چ
(2) D = ﺩ Dh = ﮈ
(3) K = ك Kh = ح
(4) T = ﺕ Th = ﭦ Ts = ﺙ
(5) Ñg = ﻧﺞ Ñy = ني
5#The history of “O”:
At the beginning our vowels were set as follows:
a, e, i, au, u, o
Therefore the word Boro was written as
B au r au (Baurau)
By doing so we realized that every word becomes very long because due to two letters “au“. Moreover, we use “au” in almost every word. The use of “au” vowel is more than all other vowels combined. Therefore, it not only makes the word longer but also it becomes difficult to read the word when we have multiple ” au ” in the same word.
So we replaced “au” with “w” making it one letter vowel instead of two letters. So the word “Boro” was written as “Bwrw“. But again we need “w” gutá to emphasize and “w” gutá was not easily available.
So we Revised the vowel set as below:
a, e, i, o, u, ou
So our “au” finally becomes “o” and we set “ou” as in the word in “Lou, Bou, Zou” meaning “blood , bridge, soft food “.
6# Rohingya vowels have only one sound:
(i) In English words, the “a” sound also keeps changing such as in words as, all, ask“. Rohingyalish uses the sound in the word “ask“.
(ii) Like wise, the ” e ” sound also keeps changing such as in the words “eye, elephant, easy” but Rohingyalish uses the one in “elephant“.
(iii) Similarly, the “i“sound also do the same such as in the words “bi, bit, fine” etc. but Rohingyalish uses the one in “bit“.
(iv) In English words “Women, do, go, for, mother” the sound of “o” keeps changing in each word. Therefore, each word needs to be memorized for each different sound.
However, Rohingyalish will only use one single sound for “o” to make the language simplified and easy. Rohingyalish uses the sound that is used in the word ” for “.
(v) Similarly, the “u ” sound also keeps changing such as in words “but, put, use ” but Rohingyalish uses only the one in the word “put”
7# The vowel ” Ou ” is used as follow:
Zou=liquid rice
Boul= bowl
Toul=balance, right mixture
Gour=put attention
8# Difference between “Bo” and “Bou”
The vowel ” o ” is used extensively and it gives similar to “au” or “aw” sound extending the sound horizontally.
In the other hand, “Bou” give between horizontal and vertical sound like the word “goal” in English.
9# Excercise: Read the following.
(a) Sound variation for vowel sounds and Rohingyalish uses the one highlighted below. as all ask women do go for mother but put use eye elephant easy bit bit iron
(b) All six vowels:
a, e, i, o, u, ou
(c) Angular sound using “ou” vowel.
Bou Lou Zou Koul Toul Gour Mou Mou
10# Do pronunciation of the following words (Randomly)
Lo Lou
Zo Zou
11 # Circular Form words: Pronunciations
Bai Lai Mai Fai Tai Gai Jai Kai Cái Rái Yái Pái
Gaila gotú
Tuara mara
Laittá Maittá
Babá Máma Maamá
Maana Maná Maána
No nó noo noó nóo
no = (9)nine;
noo = boat
noó = not true
nóo = not completed
Example: No wán noo banaiya nóo hoórde yían noó.
gaa = body
gaá = sing
gáa = infection
Example: gaat mazé gáa óile yo gana gaár.
Itar loi fúañti zair.
12# How accurate the writing is?
Five words that shows how accurately speaking and writing match to each other. Only one word is correct in the following words when you want to say “outside”.
(a) Barkule (wrong- need extending sound as aá.
(b) Bárkule (wrong – need extending sound as aá.
(c) Baarkule (wrong – need extending sound as aá.
(d) Báarkule (wrong – need extending sound as aá.
(e) Baárkule ( this is the one exactly correct) as aá.
**** End ****
Teaching Training – 1
1#. Understanding the 28 letters
A, B, C, Ç, D, E, F
G, H, I, J, K, L, M
N, Ñ, O, P, Q, R, S
T, U, V,W, X, Y, Z
T ﺕ
Th ﭦ
D ﺩ
Dh ﮈ
The 3 letters:
C, Ç, Ñ
C=sh (ﺵ )
Ç=rh ( ﮌ )
Ñ=nasal sound ( ﮞ )
C => Camic, Calic, Nalic, Bac, Nac , Fac , Mac, Bic, Doc, Loc kor, Moc kari
Ç => Faça, Naça, Caça , Baça, Luça, Beça, Beçi, Fuçafuçi, Beça beçi
Ñ => Fas->Fañs, Siañra, Thiañra, Keñça, Cuñça, Cóñço
2#. Understanding Vowels (Zerzobor)
a e i o u ou
á é í ó ú óu
a=Aram, e=Bese, i=Biri, o=Boro, u=Bubu, ou=Bou
Alemi Bondúr Bou
Ou Qurane Korim
Ba Be Bi Bo Bu Bou
Bá Bé Bí Bó Bú Bóu
3# Understanding Circular Vowels
(Fakkáraiya Zerzobor oré buzóon)
Ai, Ei, Oi, Ui
Ái, Éi, Ói, Úi
ai, ei, oi, ui
ái, éi, ói, úi
Bai, Beil, Boi, Tui
Bái, Dhéil, Bóin, Súi
4# Understanding Long Vowels (3 types)
(a) aa, ee, ii, oo, uu; Gaa, Neel, Biili, Fool, Muu
(b) aá, eé, ií, oó, uú; Gaá, Keén, Ziín, Boól, Muúntu
(c) áa, ée, íi, óo, úu; Gáa, Éen, Zíi, Sóol, Súura
5# Gutá Vowel Analysis
Bura Burá Búra; bad, old, stained
Bura manúic Burá óile Búra fore.
Fara, Fará, Fára
Sara, Sará, Sára|
ada, adá, áda
ara, ará, ára
bara, bará, bára
gaa, gaá, gáa
gula, gulá, gúla
noo, noó, nóo
6# Combined Vowels
(a) Aijja, Hailla, Zaiyoum, Fainná, Gula, Hái, Bellá.
(b) Beil, Teil, Théilar, Bútore, Óiye.
(c) Boi, Tóile, Loi, Aní.
(d) Mui, Tuillat, Uiththí, Kitab, Kúille, Meillé
A. Aññí, aijja, tuáñre, sóbok, diyoum.
Ruáinga, zuban, kengóri, cíki, fare, buzái, bélla.
Ázinná, 8 wáttu, 10 cwá, baze fán.
B. Bormát, háalot, becá, bicí, hóraf, manúic, bicí, mari, félar,
Manúic, ókkol, dec, óttu, dái, zargói, boddac, gorí, nofarí, yóre.
C. Londón, ót, Ruáinga, ókkol, bicí, aiccé, homot, sair, cót, lóti, óibou.
Tará, beggún, é, kucíc, gorér, Bormát, cánti, aái, bélla.
7# Work Book
1. (a) Ibá uggwá kitab.
(b) Ibá ki?
(c) Kitab ibá hoçé faiyó?
(d) Kitab ibá hodún foijjé?
(e) Kitab ibá ki rong?
(f) Ibá ki kitab óilde?
2. Mas bicí moza, lékin bicí keñça.
Mas háite bicí dhor lage.
Golat bazí bóu bóuli.
Mogor hái zanilé bicí asán.
Mas sehét ólla bicí bála.
3. Duniyait dec ókkol becá bicí asé.
Fottí dec ekku dhoilla.
Hodún dec ót bicí gorom, lékin tel bicí asé.
Hodún dec ót bicí thándhaá, lékin
Meçir bútore bicí geés ókkol asé.
Hodún dec bicí gorib, lékin Ador muhábbot bicí goré.
wonder=kamal gor
micro=siyon, cóñço, gura, códaran
business=códori, hasharbar, karobar, tejarot, bebar, bebacá
discuss=biyasana gor, mocuwara gor, báfa sinta gor, huwábula gor
agreement=rozamondi, etefáki, rezamondi
criticism/disturb = súta tuar
near by=aste hañsé
pretend=sónna dóris
abuse=fózul hóssa gor; bekodor gor
abuse=bortab gor; nakodor gor
abuse=gail de
abuse=zulúm gor
abuse=beizzot gor; hór hotá ho; bura hórkot
abuse=ziyadoti; behúdayi; najayes
8# Rohingya Grammar: Causative
How to use “Causative” features:
aná baiyi –>anábaiyi
áñca baiyi –>caused to laugh
buwá baiyi –>caused to sit down
buwá garaiyi –>caused to sit
cúndor goraiyi –>caused to beautify
duñra baiyi –> caused to run
fíra baiyi –>caused to turn
foñsaiyi –>caused to get rotten
fooñt dóra baiyi –>caused to get pardon
gaa dúaiyi –> caused to take bath
gas tuláiyi –> caused to grow trees
goráiyi –> caused to do
hábaiyi –> caused to eat
haça baiyi –> caused to cut
hañda baiyi–>caused to cry
mara baiyi –> caused to beat
mata baiyi –>caused to talk to talk
matá gúrabaiyi –>caused to feel headache
nasa baiyi –>caused to dance
neça baiyi –>caused to lye down
neelaiyí –> caused to go out
nisa daháiyi –>caused to looked down
niza baiyi –>caused to take it
rañdá báiyi –>caused to cook
sóon goráiyi –>caused to sworn
sul thana baiyí –>caused to pull hair
thana baiyí –>caused to pull
tulá báiyi –>caused to get up
zola baiyi –>caused to burn
zorái diyabaiyi –>caused to slaughter will be considered.