Prayer in Distress Complete (Mosibot or Dua Furafuri)

          Boro mosibot ot foréde dua *لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ  *فَاسْتَجَبْنَا لَهُ وَنَجَّيْنَاهُ مِنَ الْغَمِّ ۚ وَكَذَٰلِكَ نُنْجِي الْمُؤْمِنِينَ Honó maabud nái, tuñí sára, Tuñí hárr komzuri’ttú fak, Aññí nafórmani goróyar bútore aiccílam. * Aññí íbar dua ré kobul gorí loiyí, Ar íbare frecani’ttú uddár goijjí, Éndila aññí imandar ókkol óre uddár gorí. *                 Boro mosibot ot foréde dua Honó maabud nái                                           […]

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The Prayers in our distress

O Allah! My heart is shivering; My hand is trembling; My eyes are flickering; My hairs are standing right up. O Allah,  you are everything; and we are nothing. We need you and; without you we are nothing. O Allah, We believe in you; We trust on you; We believe on your safety: We believe on your security; We believe on your protection. We are nothing without you; O Allah; Forgive us our sins. You have blessed upon us again and again; But we did not acknowledge on it. We did ourself harm yet; You did not destroy us; Because you […]

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Start of Adam on Earth (Adom duniyait hoóñtte foóñisse). Scientist today have discovered that the first man Adam arrived on earth 60,000 years ago. Sáintís e aijja tuai fardé Adom duniyait foóñisse de 60,0000 (háith házar bosór óiye). Tóile adam duniyait foóñisse dé bicí deri nóo, zeén néki édinna aiccéde. Hotá yián hádis hísafe sóiyi óitfare, kiálla hoilé, zehón fírista ókkol e adam oré deikké, hoórde tuñí duniyait aiccó de bicí leith óiye.

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General Ne Win and 1982 Citizenship Law

General Ne Win  1982 Citizenship Law By Aman Ullah In 1962, General Ne Win led a coup d’état and established a nominally socialist military government that sought to follow the “Burmese Way to Socialism.” The Ne Win government nationalized the economy and pursued a policy of autarky, which isolated Burma from the rest of the world. The black market and rampant smuggling supplied the needs of the people, while the central government went down slowly into bankruptcy. Furthermore, political oppression caused many educated Burmese to leave the country. There were sporadic protests against military rule during the Ne Win years and […]

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Citizenship Rights for Rohingya – Ban Ki-moon

“Manúic ókkol zará dec yián ót fissán fissán táki aiyér tarártu ekku dhoilla kaanuni hásiyot (mortaba) arde decóittayi kúci foon saá oinno fortí ekzon ór éndila.” Bainola Koum or Áam Ségetari Ban Ki-moon 30 Ogós 2016 _  

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Ratar Setoni (Rooster Wake-Up Call)

Ratar Setoni (ၾကက္ဖေဆာ္သံ) ++++++++++++++++++++++ By #Rohangking Subá sáadek lal maile Bákka rata fag záñre. Bag de thani ganar tale. Kukkurúuk kuk. Uçó uçó uitthó né? Mazí aílla gúnar foñté, Hára uçó záiñ buwáite Dhouk besara soiñ roiyé Záiñt bazí té. Kukkurúuk kuk. Óoré nunú zadumuni Ehaiñt ohaiñt goijjai ré, Súwaf or thal zargói duñri Uçí loi jonnot or sabí Kukkurúuk kuk. Dhaker toré Allah ró dhakkwa Asólot asólot Jonnoti fua Táaile gúme zaibói laf Uçó sóore gorí maf. Kukkurúuk kuk. Beil mia hoór dhaki Hamo tuáñra torkir gatthí Neçi táaile faiba ki Saláke tuar sóore uçí Kukkurúuk kuk. Age uçíyar faibou […]

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Adjectives (Sifot ókkol)

Abaindá Ábaittá Abañdá Abañdáiya Acámi Adána Addáinna Adúiya  (hoor) Afaincá/áfainca Afon Afuissá Agami Agoijjá Agoinna Agona Agor Agori Águra Aháiya Ahálaki Ahéri Ahol ola Aholi/akoli Agona Agoinna Agoijjá Áilla Akuaicca Alaiya Aledá Alok Allwa allwa Amaikká Ammúikka Añdá Añdáijja Añçá Añdár Anikka Añtur Anuni /ánuni Aram Araimma Arang ola Arang sára Asañissá Asán Asáni  (hotá) Asílaiya Asól Asóli Asmani Asúilla Atáicca Átarainná Athailla Athalaikka Atuillá Azad Azáf Baalek Baalok Bac Bac bac Baiththá Baiththá baiththá Bála Bála bála Ballwa-rong Ballwa ballwa Bañçí Báñgga Bári Bazáiya Bayoinna-rong Barík Behañ Bekuf Bekusúri Belainna Beráiya Birbijja Birbizza Bíza Bíza bíza Bóddha Bóijja Bólboillá […]

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Ruáinga vawel ókkol óttu hondila abas neele (How Rohingya Vowels are Used?)

We follow certain rules for vowel usage to simplify the language to make it as easy as possible. Añára kessú kaanun ókkol óre manizai kiálla hoilé Ruáinga vawel ókkol oré asán goríbélla zeddúr asán gorífare.  (1) Vowel A is used as in (Vawel A ré hondila estemal gorá giyé): Alagála (street person) Ara (fence), Ará (ask to do), Ára (loss), Badam (peanut), Bara (net), Bará (increase), Bára (cheat), Bazar (market), Fala (parenting/pole), Falá (wooden beam), Fála (bowl), Fata (leave), Fara (village), Fará (Cross), Fára (misfortune/mishap), Mala (coconut shell), Maramari (fighting) Mata (speaking), Matá (head), Sara (young tree) Sará / Sañrá (hard […]

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Muslim of Arakan and Censuses of India

Muslim of Arakan and Censuses of India By Aman Ullah A population Census is the process of collecting, compiling, analyzing and disseminating demographic, social, cultural and economic data relating to all persons in the country, at a particular time in ten years interval. The History of Census began with 1800 when England had begun its Census but the population of dependencies was not known at that time. The Census of 1972 was considered to be prominent one and it contained 17 questions, though it did not cover all territories possessed or controlled by the British. The Census of 1881 was […]

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Insán ór hókkor elan nama 30 cán (Universal Declaration of Human Rights 30)

INSÁN ÓR HÓKKOR ELAN NAMA 30 CÁN အျပည္ျပည္ဆိုင္ရာ လူ႔အခြင့္ေရး ေၾကညာစာတမ္း The Universal Declaration of Human Rights  အပုိဒ္(၁) လူတုိင္းေမြးဖြား ကတည္းက တူညီေသာ လူ႔ဂုဏ္သိကၡာႏွင္႔ အခြင္႔အေရး ရွိသည္။ (1) Fottí uggwá maincórtu foida óiye loti borabor izzot arde hók asé.  အပုိဒ္(၂) လူတုိင္းအသားအေရာင္၊ လိင္၊ ကုိးကြယ္သည္႔ ဘာသာ၊ က်ား/မ မေရြး တန္းတူ ညီမွ် ၿဖစ္သည္။ (2) Fottí uggwá manúic gaar rong, linga (jinsíyot), din dórmo, morot arde miala forók nái eku dhoilla borabor.  အပုိဒ္(၃) လူတုိင္း အသက္ရွင္ခြင္႔၊ လုံၿခဳံခြင္႔ ရွိသည္။ (3) Fottí uggwá maincórtu foran loi basi tákibar arde amón or hok asé.  အပုိဒ္(၄) မည္သူ႔ကုိမွ ကြ်န္အၿဖစ္ ေစခုိင္းၿခင္း မၿပဳရ။ (4) Honó kiyóre gulam hísafe arái no faríbou. အပုိဒ္(၅) မည္သူ႔ကုိမွ မတရားႏွိပ္စက္ၿခင္း မရွိေစရ။ (5) Honó kiyóre behosúri zulúm gorá, […]

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